Would you like to…Claim your role as someone who is redefining our cultural consciousness with regard to money?

  •  Experience a new level of confidence with money?
  • Be able to invest in yourself and your business without trepidation?
  •  Give your money purpose beyond the bills?
  • Recognize old patterns and beliefs around the (perceived) power of money?
  • Define Giving and Receiving according to your best interest?

 “MONEY”  ~ Do you know all the (good, bad and beautiful) ways MONEY contributes to how you grow or contract to the circumstances in your life and business?

You can find out once and for all during a 3-part webinar with me as we go through a discovery process for excavating the money beliefs and behaviors that may be slowing, or even preventing your equine-inspired success! 

Part One: Money Mirrors and Horse Dreams
You need money to feed your horses, care for yourself, your family and to grow your business.

The best way to move ahead in your business (and your life) is to stop operating from a place of fear and insecurity but, instead to recognize your inner calling and move into a deeper connection with your own spiritual guidance system. Which in turn give you the operating power to allow money and other forms of abundant support to flow in accordance with your needs and desires for bringing your Horse Dreams into reality!

*Tools and Templates provided.

Copy of log-in-course

Part Two: Bread Winners and Hay Burners
A crucial part of developing a successful business is understanding your professional relationship with money. We are the breadwinners our horses are the hay burners!


I’m being silly, but truly, our horses need hay for fueling the health of their system and we need a positive cash flow to fuel the maintenance and growth of our dreams for what’s possible for ourselves and our clients. Simple systems and consistent behavior can strengthen your relationship with money and help you create a professional container for giving and gaining. Once you have clarity around beliefs and behaviors that have prevented you from receiving in accordance with your giving, you will find it easier to establish and consistently implement the tools of good money stewardship!

*Tools and Templates provided.

Part Three: Riding the Spiritual Money Path
Integrating our core values with our giving and gaining. Our belief system and behavior with money can be one of our greatest spiritual lessons.

Money is a paramount player on the path of our spiritual development. It consumes every aspect of our modern-day lives. Every decision we make is innately attached to the flow of money in our lives. Money is the physical representation of the energy in our lives. It is literally a currency that mirrors our belief system! Having money in your life has absolutely nothing to do with whether or not you are a good person.

*Tools and Templates provided

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Are you ready to re-wire your money mindset and attractor-factor?

When it comes to receiving or making decisions with regard to money do you…

  • Often choose other people’s needs over your own?
  • Believe that what you provide is not valuable or important enough?
  • Feel it’s wrong to be compensated for doing something that you love?
  • Worry that friends or family won’t accept you if you make more money than they do?

When you receive money do you…

  • Worry you won’t be able to keep it?
  • Appreciate it but wish it was more?
  • Keep the amount secret so others won’t be envious or opposite, think you’re not worth more?
  • Feel you need to give it away or spend most of it on others?
  • Find unexpected expenses always pop up as soon as you start to get ahead of survival mode?
Are you ready to get off the ‘feast or famine’ rollercoaster and become the driver of your financial destiny?

If you answered YES to any of the above it's time to make those changes now!


If you haven’t already done so, you can grab a free tool called ‘Re-Claim Your Money Power’ (<-- Click Here or Here -->).

We will go over the use of the tool for excavating beliefs and behaviors with regard to your experience with money, during the first episode.
(This tool is yours to keep whether you enroll in the program or not.)

Money Tree

To Your Horse & Soul Success,
