#4 Fierce Love
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You might know by now that my dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
I want to share how I hold that dream come true with this episode’s Quantum Leap Readiness principle #4, Fierce Love!
To step into a bigger vision of ourselves takes a Fierce Love - the ability to stand for what’s important to you, no matter what and to also hold others with compassion and forgiveness.
Fierce Love - Compassion + Forgiveness
No doubt you have an extraordinary capacity for love. Especially for your horses, family, friends, and clients!
Love of what is good, is easy.
Holding compassion and forgiveness requires letting go of judgment of others and especially yourself. That can be hard.
Of course, it’s important to be able to empathize with and forgive others for their mistakes, but how often do you take a loving stand for yourself?
Horses do not have the capacity to not love themselves. They may become depressed or despondent from lack of proper physical and emotional care, but they don’t dislike themselves.
Love for yourself requires an active force field and constant negotiations with the negative self-talk from generations of social conditioning. Any time you compare yourself as less than someone else or not worthy to receive that which you desire, your force field has come down.
Consider wrapping yourself in the fiercely protective love and forgiveness you so readily provide to others. Self resentment cripples your relationships at home and in business.
Another way that horses demonstrate Fierce Love is by their ability to maintain clear boundaries with one another, and their ability to request that you keep clear boundaries for yourself!
Having clear, strong boundaries is actually an expression of Fierce Love. If someone crosses that boundary there will be consequences. A momma horse will be strict and swift with her young one in order to teach them respect and how to pay attention. There is no anger or resentment for having to set a boundary. There is no fear that their child won’t love them because they had to get firm with them.
The same is true when interacting with other herd members. Clear boundaries provide congruent information for healthy communication.
The energy of our hearts can be both tender and strong.
Fierce Love is a deep, multi-layered concept.
As with all of the Quantum Leap Principles, my practice and understanding of them are constantly shifting and deepening as I experience them in different scenarios of my life and business.
As I mentioned earlier, Love of what we perceive as good, is easy. Loving those who have caused us, or a loved one grief or hardship is another experience altogether.
Compassion and understanding for someone else’s perspective can lead to forgiveness and healing - which is an expression of love in it’s fiercest, strongest form.
Though forgiveness does not mean acceptance or tolerance of harmful behavior and it may mean letting go of people or circumstances that persist in crossing the boundaries of your well-being. Even if you dearly love those people.
I purposefully introduced this principle after the principles of “A Universal Lens”, “Curiosity” and “High Intention - Low Attachment” because when you are in alignment with those, embracing “Fierce Love” for yourself and your purpose comes much more naturally.
Thank you for joining me for Quantum Leap Principle #4 “Fierce Love - Compassion + Forgiveness”.
Thank you for your contributions to this work and thank you for reading!
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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