Reflections of Money

It’s time to Ride a new Spiritual Money Path.

What if just in a few short hours you could shift from money-overwhelm to money-clarity?

Can you imagine the feeling of being empowered and in control of your business's finances?

I believe you can!!

Join me for a 3-part webinar series, "Reflections of Money"

Episode One: we take a look to clear the Money Mirrors of your past and make way for your Horse Dreams to come true!!

Episode Two: we learn some practical tools for taking control of your cash flow and create space for more! 

Episode Three: is the integration of a new perspective and the necessary tools for Riding a new Spiritual Money Path!

So if you want to gain clarity and control over your money, register NOW!

It's time claim emotional and practical mastery over money!

To Your Horse & Soul Success,


Episode 1 ~ Horse Dreams and Money Mirrors

You need money to feed your horses, care for yourself, your family and to grow your business.

The best way to move ahead in your business (and your life) is to stop operating from a place of fear and insecurity but, instead to recognize your inner calling and move into a deeper connection with your own spiritual guidance system. Which in turn give you the operating power to allow money and other forms of abundant support to flow in accordance with your needs and desires for bringing your Horse Dreams into reality!

ROM Episode 1 Horse Dreams and Money Mirrors
Video Presentation

Episode 1 Homework

Episode 2 ~ Bread Winners and Hay Burners

A crucial part of developing a successful business is understanding your professional relationship with money. We are the breadwinners our horses are the hay burners!

I’m being silly, but truly, our horses need hay for fueling the health of their system and we need a positive cash flow to fuel the maintenance and growth of our dreams for what’s possible for ourselves and our clients. Simple systems and consistent behavior can strengthen your relationship with money and help you create a professional container for giving and gaining. Once you have clarity around beliefs and behaviors that have prevented you from receiving in accordance with your giving, you will find it easier to establish and consistently implement the tools of good money stewardship!

ROM Episode 2 Bread Winners and Hay Burners
Video Presentation

Episode 2 Homework and Templates

Episode 3 ~ Riding the Spiritual Money Path

Integrating our core values with our giving and gaining. Our belief system and behavior with money can be one of our greatest spiritual lessons.

In this episode, we look at how our purchasing habits influence our potential clients and a crash course in how to design and price a program according to the value for the client.

ROM Episode 3 Riding the Spiritual Money Path
Video Presentation

Episode 3 Homework and Templates