Remember Your Happy Heart

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This series, “Horse Sense for Humans”, is straight from the horse’s mouth (translated by me!) You’ll get to meet some of my equine team as well as some other horses I’ve worked with over the years as they share some of their client experiences from their point of view!
I hope you enjoy!
"Remember Your Happy Heart"
Hi, I’m Coach Harmony,
There is a herd of humans taking me for a walk through the arena, there is a lot of different energy swirling around. Some is fuzzy, some feels a little jagged. We are all going in the same direction together though it doesn’t feel like any of these humans actually belong together.
Now, we’re back to where we started and they take the rope off of my halter, we begin walking again. Yikes! It feels like an electric shock shooting at me from all of them! I run to the other side of the arena.
My person comes to get me and we walk back to the beginning of the course. The herd of humans all talk together. I feel them become more present to me, this time they seem to know how to move with harmony (that is my name after all!). Now, walking together feels nice.
Uh-oh! What’s that? I felt the shock wave again. I stop. Should I be worried? Now all the energy is disconnected again. I stand perfectly still waiting for them to come together. I think they want me to move forward but I don’t where to and I don’t want to go anywhere until I know. They are jumping up and down and waving their arms around and clucking and begging. The whole place feels very tense.
Coach Schelli asks them what they are doing. They say they want me to cross the finish line with them and that they are doing everything they can think of. Then she asks them what they are feeling. “Frustrated and Anxious” are the words they use. Then she asks them to take a deep breath and think about what it would feel like to be the opposite of frustrated and anxious. They share words like, “happy”, “curious”, “content” and “amused”. They laugh together. Suddenly, the whole place feels lighter and then we all happily walk off together to cross the finish line!
Now isn’t that curious!? All that was left to do was to connect with their happy heart!
Thank You for your contributions to this work and thank you for reading.
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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