Don't Wait for What You Want

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This series, “Horse Sense for Humans”, is straight from the horse’s mouth (translated by me!) You’ll get to meet some of my equine team as well as some other horses I’ve worked with over the years as they share some of their client experiences from their point of view!
I hope you enjoy!
“Don't Wait for What You Want”
Hi, Coach Dusty Here,
The woman outside the round pen feels a little jittery. Maybe she’s nervous about something. I walk all around the perimeter. Everything seems fine to me.
She turns and faces me. She is smiling though she still feels jittery. Ah, Coach Schelli is coming in with her now. The woman walks all the way to the other side of the pen. She stands there facing me for several minutes. Coach Schelli is a few feet away. I suddenly have this overwhelming desire to go play with Coach Schelli’s hair.
As soon as I start rubbing my lips on her hair the woman bursts out laughing and then begins to cry. She says, “That’s exactly what I said I wanted him to do with me! I wanted him to come and put his nose on my shoulder and nibble my hair.”
I put my nose on Coach Schelli’s shoulder and rub my lips on her neck, I make her laugh. Then the woman says, “This is just like real life. I’m watching other people get what I want!”
Coach Schelli asks her why she is all the way on the other side of the round pen when I am over here. The woman walks over to me and puts her hand on my neck. She doesn’t feel jittery anymore. I put my chin on her shoulder and play with her hair. Now she is laughing again.
“Hhhhm,” she says, “Maybe I should stop waiting for what I want to come to me and move toward what I want on my own!!”
I give a deep sigh and leave my chin on her shoulder, the two women laugh. We are complete.
Thank You for your contributions to this work and thank you for reading.
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
~author of, “The Business of Coaching with Horses. How to Reach More Clients, Feed Your Horses and Change the World!”
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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