The Requirements for a Profitable Equine Inspired Business

Super-Powers - ✔CHECK!
Horses - ✔CHECK!
Program - ✔CHECK!
Marketing Strategy - (uh, I have a website. Does that count?)
Clients - (crickets)
Most of us launched our practices with a wing and a prayer. If you’ve read my book (The Business of Coaching with Horses) you know after I graduated (an 18-month training) I shot out of the cannon ready to change the lives of humans and horses forever!
I had SUPER-POWERS. I had HORSES! I had a PROGRAM that I wholeheartedly believed in. I had NO Marketing Strategy and NO Clients! (Well, a couple here and there, but no regular business)
Let’s unpack the mystery of what it means to have a ‘marketing strategy’. Personally, I prefer the term, ‘awareness strategy’. Marketing implies ‘selling’ to most people. Awareness implies ‘noticing’. Your ideal client needs to notice you exist before they can hire you!
Your Marketing Strategy Requires
ONE: Know Your Client
- A deep understanding of your ideal client and main problem you help them to solve.
- You know where they already spend their time and money attempting to solve this problem.
- You know how to speak their language from a place of empathy.
TWO: Provide A Way For Them To Get To Know You
- Your messaging clearly helps them identify the gap between where they are and where they want to be.
- You have a strong ‘call-to-action’ that invites someone who is interested in your messaging to take the next step. Make it a small step (a ‘freebie’ or $27 mini-course). Asking someone who’s just discovered your program to sign up for a high-ticket experience is like asking someone to sleep with you on the first date! (we don’t do that anymore, right?)
- You follow-up with more inspiring and educational information to support them in integrating the ‘freebie’ or mini-program they signed up for.
THREE: Have a Clear Assessment and Invitation Process to Work With You
- You invite them to an application and/or discovery call to learn more about their situation and discover if you are a fit to work together.
- You both determine you are a fit and it’s a “Hell YES!” Otherwise, it's a "No".
- You have a clear method of receiving payment.
A Quote to Lick n’ Chew on…
“Your purpose isn’t something you “discover.” It’s a choice you make. You don’t discover yourself, you create yourself through your thoughts and actions. Through your imagination and courage. Will you create a future? Or will you be defined by the past? Will you let the days go by in distraction? Or will you squeeze all the juice you can out of today?”
~ Benjamin Hardy, PhD
You are Welcome to Join me for a one-time complimentary Business Clarity session.
You will come away with…
- A Crystal Clear Vision for your next steps.
- Clarity around some (hidden) blocks that may be holding you back.
- Inspiration and renewed energy with regards to what is possible for your unique business!
You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Click -->HERE <-- to schedule a time that works for you and say, “Yes” to yourself and your herd!
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
~author of, “The Business of Coaching with Horses. How to Reach More Clients, Feed Your Horses, and Change the World!”
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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