#2 Curiosity for Possibility

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It's my mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
So, “How is it possible to position the Equine Inspired Learning community to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks?” Let’s get curious!
In this episode… we look at QLR principle #2 Curiosity for Possibility!
Curiosity for Possibility
Healthy horses are naturally curious and eager to engage with new things. Wild horses discover new ways to get to fresh water, new friendships, and new strengths about their own physical capabilities and endurance.
Wild horses live a never-ending adventure in a constant state of awareness and curiosity for what is around the next corner. They navigate uncertainty by staying present to themselves, present to one another and present to their environment. They are relaxed and yet they are always ready.
They do not fixate on the possible negative outcomes of the day, or the week or ever. They are present and respond to the moment.
If they meet a mountain lion at the watering hole they do not automatically flee in a panic. They will be curious about the intention of the mountain lion and exercise discernment on how they should best spend their precious energy.
If the mountain lion is merely getting a drink of water, then herd will also enjoy a drink of water. Their attunement to their environment and the intention of other beings gives them the ability to discern what course of action is in their best interest.
Are you curious about what is possible for you and your work in the world? Or are you spending your precious energy fixated on the fear of undesired outcomes?
A mentor of mine used to refer to this fixation as a trip down the ‘negative future fantasy path’. Why go there? It’s fine to consider all manner of outcomes, then turn your focus to the positive possibilities.
When you feel stuck or uncertain about how to obtain the outcome you desire, get curious, ask the Universe, “How is it possible to…?” Fill in the blank.
By posing the question: “How is it possible, or Show me how it is possible…” your subconscious mind gets to work seeking the possibilities for the desired outcome.
A high level of curiosity toward all aspects of your life and business just might be the most important characteristic that determines the success or failure of your long-term vision.
Personally, I believe a high level of curiosity is an absolute, must-have Quantum Leap characteristic for any entrepreneur. It’s the characteristic that saves you from devastating disappointment every time a new idea doesn’t pan out.
Think of your marketing as if you’re panning for gold. You know your stream is full of gold nuggets. Those gold nuggets are the clients you are meant to serve. Each gold nugget benefits you, your clients and your horses!
In order to find those gold nuggets, you must sift through pan after pan of debris, rocks, silt, and sand. You are curious and hopeful with each new pan. You may find one or two nuggets at a time, or get lucky and find several at once.
Your curiosity for what’s possible will drive you, give you the ability to see new ideas, innovate new methods of sifting and sorting, hiring experts to help move the sand out of the way, etc.
So, what I’m trying to say is this; if you are successfully growing your business, you will experience more ideas that don’t pan out than do. But, the ones that do, will be pure gold.
Whether you are just launching your equine assisted career or re-kindling and existing practice ~ a curious, beginner's mind is fertile ground for creative possibilities. The characteristic of curiosity allows for wonder and delight at each new lesson and discovery.
Even if the discovery is not what you expect!
Thank you for joining me for Quantum Leap Principle #2 “Curiosity for Possibility”
Thank you for your contributions to this work and thank you for reading.
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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