#8 Humor ~ Amusement for Life

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Thank you for joining me on this journey through the 11 Quantum Leap Readiness Principles necessary to for a healthy business to not only become sustainable but to continue to grow and evolve!
In this episode, we’re going to consider Quantum Leap Principle #8: Humor ~ Our Amusement for Life
Let's explore the Quantum Leap Readiness principle of Humor! I LOVE humor. Those who know me, know that I love to laugh. Loud and often. If I wasn’t able to laugh at how ridiculous humans can be I’m not sure life would be worth living.
Did you know that amusement is one of the highest spiritual vibrations?
And an attitude of amusement not only raises your physical vibration to a higher feeling state of wellbeing, it creates a magnetic effect on others around you to take things less seriously.
I learned the importance of humor and horse training late in my life with horses. I used to believe that success was achieved when the horse did what I wanted him to do exactly the way I had it pictured in my mind. I was frequently frustrated and cranky with our lessons. As was my poor horse. I was rigid with my expectations for him and for myself.
It wasn’t until I became an equine-assisted coach that I understood the true meaning and importance of relationship over performance. I was then able to step out of the need for perfection and laugh at my own incongruent behavior.
When I held our relationship and our lessons with an attitude of amusement and curiosity my horse’s personality blossomed. I was able to listen to his questions and respond in a way that was clear and direct. I could be firm with a request without anger or animosity for needing to get big with my energy. Humor is an important feeling state for integrating creativity and action.
There have been numerous studies on how humans learn. No surprise to me, one of the most effective styles of learning for achieving retention of the material is humor. Humor also helps to relieve physical stress and laughter has been shown to stimulate a physiological effect that decreases our stress hormones.
And we know that emotions are contagious. Isn’t it more fun to spend time with people who laugh at their own mistakes and get curious about how to move forward, than someone who always has an excuse or complaint about why their business isn’t working?
My business tagline is Rockstar Results with Heart, Humor, and Horses. I came up with that as a result of connecting with my top two core values, Love and Laughter. Heart and Humor create the container for me to thrive in my practice with horses as well as a promise of an experience for my clients.
If you’re not getting the results you desire, you might be feeling like the horse that walked into a bar. The bartender took one look at him and said, “Ah, fella, why the long face?”
Thank you for joining me for Quantum Leap Principle #8 “Humor: Our Amusement for Life”.
Thank you for your contributions to this work and thank you for reading.
To Your Horse & Soul Success,
My mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!
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