
#5 TRUST - The Universe Has Your Back!


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In today’s episode, we’re going to talk about the Quantum Leap Readiness principle #5 - Trust! 

Are you ready to take your business to the next level, are you ready to step into a bigger version of yourself? If you said YES, one of the QLR principles required is Trust - trust that if you leap - the Universe has the net!

Trust that you are already the leader you imagine yourself to be and the people you are meant to lead will follow.

Trust ~ The Universe Has Your Back

A hor…

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#4 Fierce Love

Fierce Love

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You might know by now that my dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!

I want to share how I hold that dream come true with this episode’s Quantum Leap Readiness principle #4, Fierce Love! 

To step into a bigger vision of ourselves takes a Fierce Love - the ability to stand for what’s important to you, no matt…

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#3 High Intention-Low Attachment

High Intention - Low Attachment_

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Let's take a look at Quantum Leap Readiness principle #3, High Intention with a Low Attachment.

My definition of a Quantum Leap is the ability to measure forward momentum in your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical evolution. Your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions inform your measure of success (whatever success means to you).

High Intention - Low Attachment

High Intention - Low Attachment: a state in which we can readily overcome our attachment for things,…

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#2 Curiosity for Possibility


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It's my mission is to empower and educate equine inspired practitioners in the art of profitable program design and marketing. My dream-come-true is to see equine-assisted personal and professional development be recognized and celebrated for the unique transformational modality that it is, and to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks!

So, “How is it possible to position the Equine Inspired Learning community to become as popular as yoga and Starbucks?” Let’s get curious!


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#1 A Universal Lens

Universal Lens

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In this episode, we begin the Quantum Leap Readiness series where we explore the 11 qualities and characteristics required to jump your equine inspired practice to the next highest version of the grandest vision you’ve ever had for yourself!

My definition of a Quantum Leap is the ability to measure forward momentum in your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical evolution.

Your thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and actions inform your measure of success (whatever success mea…

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Are you aware of your own personal essence? Are you proud to let it radiate or do you try to shape it into someone else’s idea of what it means to ‘shine’?

You may wonder why I am asking this question and what does it have to do with creating a successful equine inspired business?

It has everything to do with the success of your business because YOU ARE YOUR BUSINESS! 

If you are trying to be like someone else and their business it’s like trying to drive your car with someone else’s car key…

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